Table of Contents

Navigation in a Tree List

Action Description
Clicking a data cell Moves focus to the clicked cell.
ARROW keys Moves focus to the next cell in the corresponding direction.
HOME Moves focus to the first cell within the focused node.
END Moves focus to the last cell within the focused node.
PAGE UP Moves focus one page up.
PAGE DOWN Moves focus one page down.
CTRL+HOME Moves focus to the first cell within the first node.
CTRL+END Moves focus to the last cell within the last node.
TAB or CTRL+TAB Moves focus away from the TreeList to the next control, in tab order.
SHIFT+TAB Moves focus away from the TreeList to the previous control, in tab order.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Expands the focused node.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Collapses the focused node.

You can also click node indicator cells to move focus to the corresponding row while preserving column focus.
