Table of Contents


The Calendar is used to select dates, and allows you to navigate through months and years.


The header buttons in the Calendar allow you to navigate through months and years. Click the header text (i.e., the current month and year) to display the Fast Navigation Window.

Keyboard Support

Key Combination Action (when no date is selected) Action (when a date is selected)
LEFT ARROW Selects the current day Moves selection to the previous day
RIGHT ARROW Selects the current day Moves selection to the next day
UP ARROW Selects the current day Moves selection one week back
DOWN ARROW Selects the current day Moves selection one week forward
PAGE UP Selects the current day Moves selection one month back
PAGE DOWN Selects the current day Moves selection one month forward
END Selects the last day of the current month Moves selection to the last day of the month
HOME Selects the first day of the current month Moves selection to the first day of the month
ENTER Applies changes Applies changes
ESC Cancels changes and closes the calendar Cancels changes and closes the calendar

This section consists of the following topics.