Report Design Analyzer
The Report Design Analyzer shows errors, warnings, and information messages that help users create or enhance a report layout in the End-User Report Designer.
Invoke the Report Design Analyzer
Do one of the following to invoke the Report Design Analyzer:
Select Report Design Analyzer from the Windows drop-down menu in the View toolbar tab.
Click the bell icon in the status bar.
Filter Messages
You can filter messages by one of the following categories:
Report Layout
Layout-related messages (for instance, in cases when report controls overlap each other or extend beyond the report's printable area).
Report Creation
Messages about report creation (for instance, notifications about invalid property values or unreachable sources of content).
Report Scripts
Messages that highlight issues in report scripts (for instance, errors in script syntax).
All of the above-mentioned messages.
Correct the Issues
Each message contains a recommendation on how to correct an issue. Click the Plus icon in front of the message to expand the recommendation.
The message's Source column contains a reference to the control or script that caused the issue. Click the reference to navigate to this control or script.