Code 39 (USD-3)
Code 39, the first alpha-numeric symbology to be developed, is still widely used, particularly in non-retail environments. It is the standard barcode used by the United States Department of Defense, and is also used by the Health Industry Barcode Council (HIBCC). Code 39 is also known as "3 of 9 Code" and "USD-3".
Add the Barcode to a Report
Drag the Barcode item from the report controls toolbox tab and drop it onto the report.
Set the control’s Symbology property to Code39.
Specify common barcode properties and properties specific to Code 39.
Specific Properties
In the property grid, expand the Symbology list and specify the following properties specific to Code 39:
Calculate a Checksum
Specifies whether to calculate a checksum for the barcode.
Wide Narrow Ratio
Specifies the density of a barcode's bars.