Table of Contents

GS1-128 - EAN-128 (UCC)

GS1-128 (EAN-128) was developed to provide a worldwide format and standard for exchanging common data between companies.

While other barcodes simply encode data with no respect for what the data represents, GS1-128 encodes data and encodes what that data represents.

Add the Barcode to a Report

  1. Drag the Barcode item from the report controls toolbox tab and drop it onto the report.

  2. Set the control’s Symbology property to EAN128.

  3. Specify common barcode properties and properties specific to EAN 128.

Specific Properties

In the property grid, expand the Symbology list and specify the following properties specific to EAN 128:

  • Character Set

    Specifies the set of symbols which can be used when setting the barcode's text.

  • FNC1 Functional Character

    Specifies the symbol (or set of symbols) in the barcode text that will be replaced with the FNC1 functional character when the barcode's bars are drawn.

  • Human-Readable Text

    Specifies whether or not parentheses should be included in the barcode's text to improve the readability of the barcode's text.