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Vue Grid - Searching

The Grid component supports searching data programmatically or using the value an end user types in the corresponding Search Panel editor.

The following plugins implement the searching feature:

Note that plugin order is important.

Basic Setup

Import the plugins listed above to set up a Grid with basic searching.

Specify the searching value in the DxSearchState plugin’s value property and subscribe to the update:value event. Use the .sync modifier for two-way binding.

Remote Searching

You can perform searching remotely by handling search value changes, generating a request, and sending it to the server.

Searching options are updated once an end user modifies the text in a Search Panel editor or other searching control. Handle search value changes using the DxSearchState plugin’s update:value event and request data from the server using the applied searching options. Once the search data is received from the server, pass it to the DxGrid component’s rows property.

NOTE: Do not use the DxIntegratedFiltering plugin for remote searching.