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DxTableEditColumn Plugin Reference

A plugin that renders a command column. This column contains controls used for row editing, creating, or deleting and committing/canceling changes.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxTableEditColumn } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { DxTableEditColumn } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
cellComponent DxTableEditColumn.DxCell   A component that renders a command cell within a data row.
headerCellComponent DxTableEditColumn.DxHeaderCell   A component that renders a command cell within the header row.
commandComponent DxTableEditColumn.DxCommand   A component that renders command control within a command cell.
showAddCommand? boolean false Specifies whether to render the ‘New’ command within the header row’s command cell.
showEditCommand? boolean false Specifies whether to render the ‘Edit’ command within the data row’s command cell.
showDeleteCommand? boolean false Specifies whether to render the ‘Delete’ command within the data row’s command cell.
width? number | string   Specifies the command column’s width.
messages? DxTableEditColumn.LocalizationMessages   An object that specifies the localization messages.

Component Types



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow Specifies a table row.
tableColumn TableColumn Specifies a table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
row any Specifies an edited table row with the applied changes.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow Specifies a table row.
tableColumn TableColumn Specifies a table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
id ‘add’ | ‘edit’ | ‘delete’ | ‘commit’ | ‘cancel’ The command identifier.
text string The command action description.


Field Type Description
execute () => void An event initiating the command execution.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
addCommand? string ‘New’ Specifies the add command button text.
editCommand? string ‘Edit’ Specifies the edit command button text.
deleteCommand? string ‘Delete’ Specifies the delete command button text.
commitCommand? string ‘Save’ Specifies the commit command button text.
cancelCommand? string ‘Cancel’ Specifies the cancel command button text.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxTableEditColumn.components.DxCell DxTableEditColumn.DxCell A component that renders a command cell within a data row.
DxTableEditColumn.components.DxHeaderCell DxTableEditColumn.DxHeaderCell A component that renders a command cell within the header row.
DxTableEditColumn.components.DxCommand DxTableEditColumn.DxCommand A component that renders command control within a command cell.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns.
addRow Action () => void Creates a row.
cancelAddedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number> }) => void Removes uncommitted new rows from the addedRows array.
commitAddedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number> }) => void Fires the commitChanges event with the corresponding ChangeSet and removes specified rows from the addedRows array.
startEditRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Switches rows with the specified ID to the edit mode.
stopEditRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Switches rows with the specified ID to the read-only mode.
cancelChangedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Cancels uncommitted changes in rows with the specified ID.
commitChangedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Fires the commitChanges event with the corresponding ChangeSet and removes specified rows from the rowChanges array.
deleteRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Prepares rows with the specified ID for deletion by adding them to the deletedRows array.
commitDeletedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Fires the commitChanges event with the corresponding ChangeSet and removes specified rows from the deletedRowIds array.
tableCell Template object? A template that renders a table cell.


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns including the edit column.