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DxVirtualTable Plugin Reference

A plugin that renders a scrollable table instead of a static one. It contains the DxVirtualTable.components.DxRow and DxVirtualTable.components.DxCell components that are used to customize virtual table rows and columns and can be extended by other plugins.


Use the following statement to import the plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxVirtualTable } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

User Reference




Name Type Default Description
height number 530 The virtual table’s height.
estimatedRowHeight number 49 Estimated row height. Specify the average value for a table whose rows have different heights.
columnExtensions? Array<DxVirtualTable.ColumnExtension>   Additional column properties that the plugin can handle.
tableComponent DxVirtualTable.DxTable   A component that renders a table.
headComponent DxVirtualTable.DxHead   A component that renders a table head.
bodyComponent DxVirtualTable.DxBody   A component that renders a table body.
containerComponent DxVirtualTable.DxContainer   A component that renders a table’s container.
cellComponent DxVirtualTable.DxCell   A component that renders a table cell.
rowComponent DxVirtualTable.DxRow   A component that renders a table row.
noDataCellComponent DxVirtualTable.DxNoDataCell   A component that renders a table cell when the table is empty.
noDataRowComponent DxVirtualTable.DxNoDataRow   A component that renders a table row when the table is empty.
stubRowComponent DxVirtualTable.DxStubRow   A component that renders a stub table row if the row type is not recognized.
stubCellComponent DxVirtualTable.DxStubCell   A component that renders a stub table cell if the cell value is not provided.
stubHeaderCellComponent DxVirtualTable.DxStubHeaderCell   A component that renders a stub header cell if the cell value is not provided.
messages? DxVirtualTable.LocalizationMessages   An object that specifies the localization messages.



Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.

Field Type Description
columnName string The name of the column to extend.
width? number The table column width in pixels.
align? ‘left’ | ‘right’ | ‘center’ The table column alignment.
wordWrapEnabled? boolean Specifies whether word wrap is enabled in column’s cells.


Describes properties of a table row that the Table plugin renders.

Field Type Description
key string A unique table row identifier.
type string The table row type. Defines which cell template is used to render the row.
rowId? number | string The associated row’s ID.
row? any The associated row.
height? number The table row height.


Describes properties of a table column that the Table plugin renders.

Field Type Description
key string A unique table column identifier.
type string The table column type. Defines which cell template is used to render the column.
column? Column The associated user column.
width? number The column width.
align? ‘left’ | ‘right’ | ‘center’ The column alignment.

Component Types



Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.
tableColumn TableColumn A table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
value any A value to be rendered within the cell.
row any The cell’s row.
column Column The cell’s column.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.
tableColumn TableColumn A table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Returns the text displayed in a cell when a table is empty.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.
row any A row.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.
tableColumn TableColumn A table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.
tableColumn TableColumn A table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
noData? string ‘No data’ The text shown when the Grid does not contain data.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxVirtualTable.components.DxTable DxVirtualTable.DxTable A component that renders a table.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxHead DxVirtualTable.DxHead A component that renders a table head.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxBody DxVirtualTable.DxBody A component that renders a table body.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxContainer DxVirtualTable.DxContainer A component that renders a table’s container.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxCell DxVirtualTable.DxCell A component that renders a table data cell.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxRow DxVirtualTable.DxRow A component that renders a table data row.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxNoDataCell DxVirtualTable.DxNoDataCell A component that renders a table cell when the table is empty.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxNoDataRow DxVirtualTable.DxNoDataRow A component that renders a table row when the table is empty.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxStubRow DxVirtualTable.DxStubRow A component that renders a stub table row.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxStubCell DxVirtualTable.DxStubCell A component that renders a stub table cell.
DxVirtualTable.components.DxStubHeaderCell DxVirtualTable.DxStubHeaderCell A component that renders a stub table header cell.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
rows Getter Array<any> Rows to be rendered by the table view.
columns Getter Array<Column> Columns to be rendered by the table view.
getRowId Getter (row: any) => number | string A function used to get a unique row identifier.
getCellValue Getter (row: any, columnName: string) => any A function used to get a cell’s value.


Name Plugin Type Description
tableHeaderRows Getter Array<TableRow> Header rows to be rendered.
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Body rows to be rendered.
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Columns to be rendered.
table Template object? A template that renders the table.
tableCell Template object? A template that renders a table cell.
tableRow Template object? A template that renders a table row.