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DxTableGroupRow Plugin Reference

A plugin that renders group rows and enables them to expand and collapse.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxTableGroupRow } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { DxTableGroupRow } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
showColumnsWhenGrouped? boolean false A Boolean value that specifies whether the grid’s table displays a column by which data is grouped.
columnExtensions? Array<DxTableGroupRow.ColumnExtension>   Additional column properties that the plugin can handle.
cellComponent DxTableGroupRow.DxCell   A component that renders a group cell.
rowComponent DxTableGroupRow.DxRow   A component that renders a group row.
indentCellComponent? DxTableGroupRow.DxIndentCell   A component that renders a group indent cell.
indentColumnWidth number   The group indent column’s width.



Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.

Field Type Description
columnName string The name of a column to extend.
showWhenGrouped? boolean Specifies whether the grid displays the column by which data is grouped.


Describes the group row structure.

Field Type Description
key number | string The current group key.
value any The current group value.

Component Types



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow Specifies a table row.
tableColumn TableColumn Specifies a table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
row GroupRow The group row.
column Column The column associated with the group.
expanded boolean Specifies whether the row is expanded.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.


Field Type Description
toggle () => void An event that initiates group row expanding or collapsing.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow A table row.
row GroupRow The group row.


Field Description
default The default Vue slot.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow Specifies a table row.
tableColumn TableColumn Specifies a table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
row GroupRow The group row.
column Column A column associated with the group.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxTableGroupRow.components.DxRow DxTableGroupRow.DxRow A component that renders a group row.
DxTableGroupRow.components.DxCell DxTableGroupRow.DxCell A component that renders a group cell.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
columns Getter Array<Column> The grid columns.
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns.
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Table body rows.
grouping Getter Array<Grouping> Current grouping options.
draftGrouping Getter Array<Grouping> Grouping options used for the preview.
expandedGroups Getter Array<GroupKey> Expanded groups.
isGroupRow Getter (row: any) => boolean A function used to identify a group row within ordinary rows.
toggleGroupExpanded Action ({ groupKey: GroupKey }) => void Toggles the group’s expanded state.
tableCell Template object? A template that renders a table cell.
tableRow Template object? A template that renders a table row.
valueFormatter Template DxDataTypeProvider.ValueFormatterProps A template that renders the formatted value.


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns, including the ones by which the table is grouped.
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Table body rows with modified group rows.