ColumnChooser Plugin Reference

The ColumnChooser plugin allows a user to toggle grid columns' visibility at runtime. The column chooser lists columns with checkboxes that control a corresponding column's visibility.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { ColumnChooser } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui';
// import { ColumnChooser } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap4';
// import { ColumnChooser } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap3';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { ColumnChooser } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid';

User reference



Name Type Default Description
overlayComponent ComponentType<ColumnChooser.OverlayProps> A component that renders the column chooser overlay.
toggleButtonComponent ComponentType<ColumnChooser.ToggleButtonProps> A component that renders a button that invokes the column chooser.
containerComponent ComponentType<ColumnChooser.ContainerProps> A component that renders the column chooser container.
itemComponent ComponentType<ColumnChooser.ItemProps> A component that renders a column chooser item.
messages? ColumnChooser.LocalizationMessages An object that specifies localization messages.



Describes properties passed to a component that renders the column chooser overlay.

Field Type Description
visible boolean Specifies whether the overlay is visible.
target ReactInstance A React component instance or a DOM element that is used for overlay positioning.
onHide () => void An event that initiates overlay hiding.
children ReactNode A React node used to render overlay content.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders the button that invokes the column chooser.

Field Type Description
onToggle () => void An event that initiates overlay showing or hiding.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Returns a specified localization message. Available in the "@devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui" package.
buttonRef (ref: ReactInstance) => void A function that accepts the button's root React element.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders the column chooser container.

Field Type Description
children ReactNode A React node used to render column chooser items.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders a column chooser item.

Field Type Description
item ColumnChooserItem A column chooser item.
disabled boolean Specifies whether a column chooser item is disabled.
onToggle () => void Handles an associated column's visibility changes.


An object representing a column chooser item.

Field Type Description
column Column The grid column associated with the item.
hidden boolean Specifies whether the associated column is hidden.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
showColumnChooser? string 'Show Column Chooser' The toggle button's tooltip text. Available in the "@devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui" package.

Plugin Components

Name Properties Description
ColumnChooser.ToggleButton ColumnChooser.ToggleButtonProps A component that renders a button that invokes the column chooser.
ColumnChooser.Overlay ColumnChooser.OverlayProps A component that renders the column chooser overlay.
ColumnChooser.Container ColumnChooser.ContainerProps A component that renders the column chooser container.
ColumnChooser.Item ColumnChooser.ItemProps A component that renders a column chooser item.

Additional properties are added to a component's root element.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
columns Getter Array<Column> Grid columns.
hiddenColumnNames Getter Array<string> Names of columns to be hidden.
isColumnTogglingEnabled Getter (columnName: string) => boolean A function used to define if an end-user can change column visibility.
toggleColumnVisibility Action ({ columnName: string }) => void Toggles a column's visibility.
toolbarContent Template object? A template that renders toolbar content.

