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FilteringState Plugin Reference

A plugin that manages the filtering state.


Use the following statement to import the plugin:

import { FilteringState } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid';

User Reference




Name Type Default Description
filters? Array<Filter> Specifies the applied filters.
defaultFilters? Array<Filter> [] Specifies the filters initially applied in the uncontrolled mode.
onFiltersChange? (filters: Array<Filter>) => void Handles filter changes.
columnFilteringEnabled? boolean true Specifies whether filtering is enabled for all columns.
columnExtensions? Array<FilteringState.ColumnExtension> Additional column properties that the plugin can handle.



Describes a filter.

Field Type Description
columnName string Specifies the name of a column whose value is used for filtering.
operation? FilterOperation Specifies the operation name. The value is 'contains' if the operation name is not set.
value? string Specifies the filter value.


Describes a filter operation. Accepts one of the built-in operations or a custom string.

Type: string

Built-in operations: contains, notContains, startsWith, endsWith, equal, notEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual


Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.

Field Type Description
columnName string The name of a column to extend.
filteringEnabled boolean Specifies whether filtering is enabled for a column.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
filters Getter Array<Filter> The applied filter
filterExpression Getter FilterExpression | Filter The applied filter expressions.


Name Plugin Type Description
filterExpression Getter FilterExpression | Filter The applied filter expressions.
isColumnFilteringEnabled Getter (columnName: string) => boolean A function used to define if filtering by a column is enabled.
changeColumnFilter Action ({ columnName: string, config: object }) => void Adds, changes or removes a filter. Pass null to the config argument to remove the specified column's filter.
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