A plugin that renders a scrollable table instead of a static table. Contains the VirtualTable.Row and VirtualTable.Cell components that provide ways to customize virtual table rows and columns. These components can be extended by other plugins.
Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:
import { VirtualTable } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui';
// import { VirtualTable } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap4';
// import { VirtualTable } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap3';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
height | number | string | 530 | The virtual table's height. |
estimatedRowHeight | number | 49 for Bootstrap4; 37 for Bootstrap; 53 for Material-UI |
Estimated row height. Specify the average value for a table whose rows have different heights. |
columnExtensions? | Array<VirtualTable.ColumnExtension> | Additional column properties that the plugin can handle. | |
tableComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table. | |
headComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table head. | |
bodyComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table body. | |
footerComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table footer. | |
containerComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table's container. | |
cellComponent | ComponentType<Table.DataCellProps> | A component that renders a table cell. | |
rowComponent | ComponentType<Table.DataRowProps> | A component that renders a table row. | |
noDataCellComponent | ComponentType<Table.NoDataCellProps> | A component that renders a table cell when the table is empty. | |
noDataRowComponent | ComponentType<Table.RowProps> | A component that renders a table row when the table is empty. | |
stubRowComponent | ComponentType<Table.RowProps> | A component that renders a stub table row if the row type is not recognized. | |
stubCellComponent | ComponentType<Table.CellProps> | A component that renders a stub table cell if the cell value is not provided. | |
stubHeaderCellComponent | ComponentType<Table.CellProps> | A component that renders a stub header cell if the cell value is not provided. | |
messages? | Table.LocalizationMessages | An object that specifies the localization messages. | |
onTopRowChange? | (rowId: number | string) => void | Handles a change of the top row. | |
ref? | React.RefObject<typeof VirtualTable> | A reference to the VirtualTable instance |
Name | Type | Description |
scrollToRow | (rowId: number | string) => void | Scrolls table to a row with the specified ID. |
Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.
Field | Type | Description |
columnName | string | The name of the column to extend. |
width? | number | string | The table column width in pixels. Can be specified using numeric (for example, 10 ) or string values (10px ). |
align? | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | The table column alignment. |
wordWrapEnabled? | boolean | Specifies whether word wrap is enabled in a column's cells. |
Name | Properties | Description |
VirtualTable.Table | object | A component that renders a table. |
VirtualTable.TableHead | object | A component that renders a table head. |
VirtualTable.TableBody | object | A component that renders a table body. |
VirtualTable.Container | object | A component that renders a table's container. |
VirtualTable.Cell | Table.DataCellProps | Renders a table data cell. |
VirtualTable.Row | Table.DataRowProps | Renders a table data row. |
VirtualTable.NoDataCell | Table.CellProps | Renders a table cell when the table is empty. |
VirtualTable.NoDataRow | Table.RowProps | Renders a table row when the table is empty. |
VirtualTable.StubRow | Table.RowProps | A component that renders a stub table row. |
VirtualTable.StubCell | Table.CellProps | Renders a stub table cell. |
VirtualTable.StubHeaderCell | Table.CellProps | Renders a stub table header cell. |
Additional properties are added to the component's root element.
Field | Type | Description |
COLUMN_TYPE | symbol | The data column type's indentifier. |
ROW_TYPE | symbol | The data row type's indentifier. |
NODATAROWTYPE | symbol | The nodata row type's indentifier. |
TOP_POSITION | symbol | The top position of the table. Used in scrolling. |
BOTTOM_POSITION | symbol | The bottom position of the table. Used in scrolling. |
Name | Plugin | Type | Description |
rows | Getter | Array<any> | Rows to be rendered by the virtual table view. |
columns | Getter | Array<Column> | Columns the virtual table view should render. |
getRowId | Getter | (row: any) => number | string | A function used to get a unique row identifier. |
getCellValue | Getter | (row: any, columnName: string) => any | A function used to get a cell’s value. |
Name | Plugin | Type | Description |
tableHeaderRows | Getter | Array<TableRow> | Header rows to be rendered. |
tableBodyRows | Getter | Array<TableRow> | Body rows to be rendered. |
tableFooterRows | Getter | Array<TableRow> | Footer rows to be rendered. |
tableColumns | Getter | Array<TableColumn> | Columns to be rendered. |
table | Template | object? | A template that renders the virtual table. |
tableCell | Template | Table.CellProps | A template that renders a virtual table cell. |
tableRow | Template | Table.RowProps | A template that renders a virtual table row. |