AppointmentForm Plugin Reference

The AppointmentForm plugin renders a form that visualizes appointment's data and allows a user to modify this data.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { AppointmentForm } from '@devexpress/dx-react-scheduler-material-ui';

You can import the themeless plugin if you want to use custom components:

import { AppointmentForm } from '@devexpress/dx-react-scheduler';

User reference



Name Type Default Description
visible? boolean Specifies the appointment form's visibility.
onVisibilityChange? (visible: boolean) => void Handles changes to the appointment form's visibility.
appointmentData? AppointmentModel Specifies the appointment's data that the form displays.
onAppointmentDataChange? (appointmentData: AppointmentModel) => void Handles changes to the appointment's data.
readOnly? boolean false Specifies the appointment form is read-only.
messages? AppointmentForm.LocalizationMessages An object that specifies localization messages.
overlayComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.OverlayProps> A component that renders the appointment form's overlay.
layoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.LayoutProps> A component that renders the appointment form's layout.
commandLayoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.CommandLayoutProps> A component that renders a layout for command buttons.
basicLayoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.BasicLayoutProps> A component that renders a layout for editors that edit basic appoinement data.
recurrenceLayoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.RecurrenceLayoutProps> A component that renders a layout for editors that specify the appointment's recurrence.
commandButtonComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.CommandButtonProps> A component that renders a command button.
textEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.TextEditorProps> A component that renders a text editor.
dateEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.DateEditorProps> A component that renders a date-time editor.
labelComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.LabelProps> A component that renders a text label.
booleanEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.BooleanEditorProps> A component that renders an editor of Boolean values.
selectComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.SelectProps> A component that renders an options menu.
radioGroupComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.RadioGroupProps> A component that renders a radio group.
resourceEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.ResourceEditorProps> A component that renders a resource editor.
weeklyRecurrenceSelectorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.WeeklyRecurrenceSelectorProps> A component that renders a weekly recurrence selector.



An option in the Select editor.

Field Type Description
id string | number The option's id.
text string The option's text.


Properties passed to a component that renders the appointment form's overlay.

Field Type Description
visible? boolean Specifies whether the overlay is visible.
onHide () => void An event raised when the overlay hides.
fullSize boolean Specifies whether the overlay is full-size.
target RefObject A React component instance or a DOM element that is used to position the overlay.
children ReactNode A React node used to render the overlay content.


Properties passed to a component that renders the appointment form's layout.

Field Type Description
commandLayoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.CommandLayoutProps> A component that renders a layout for command buttons.
basicLayoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.BasicLayoutProps> A component that renders a layout for editors that edit basic appoinement data.
recurrenceLayoutComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.RecurrenceLayoutProps> A component that renders a layout for editors that specify the appointment's recurrence.
isRecurrence boolean Specifies whether recurrence editors should be rendered.
children? ReactNode A React node used to render additional components to the layout.


Properties passed to a component that renders a layout for command buttons.

Field Type Description
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the appointment form is read-only.
fullSize boolean Specifies whether the command layout is full-size.
disableSaveButton? boolean Specifies whether to disable the Save button.
hideDeleteButton? boolean Specifies whether to hide the Delete button.
onCommitButtonClick () => void An event raised when the Commit button is clicked. The event handler should commit appointment changes.
onCancelButtonClick () => void An event raised when the Cancel button is clicked. The event handler should close the appointment form.
onDeleteButtonClick () => void An event raised when the Delete button is clicked. The event handler should delete an appointment.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Uses a localization message's key to retrieve the message.
commandButtonComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.CommandButtonProps> A component that renders a command button.
children? ReactNode A React node used to render additional components to the Command layout.


Properties passed to a component that renders a layout for editors that edit basic appointment data.

Field Type Description
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the appointment form is read-only.
appointmentData AppointmentModel The appointment's data.
appointmentResources Array<ValidResourceInstance> The appointment's resource instances.
resources Array<ValidResource> All resources.
onFieldChange (nextFieldValue: { [fieldName: string]: any }) => void An event that is raised when a field value in the appointment form is changed.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Uses a localization message's key to retrieve the message.
locale string | Array<string> Specifies the locale as an IETF BCP 47 language tag or an array of such tags. The locale is used to format date-time values.
fullSize boolean Specifies whether the layout is full-size.
textEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.TextEditorProps> A component that renders a text editor.
dateEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.DateEditorProps> A component that renders a date-time editor.
booleanEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.BooleanEditorProps> A component that renders an editor of Boolean values.
selectComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.SelectProps> A component that renders an options menu.
labelComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.LabelProps> A component that renders a text label.
resourceEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.ResourceEditorProps>
children? ReactNode A React node used to render additional components to the Basic Layout.


Properties passed to a component that renders the appointment form's layout for editors that edit the appointment's recurrence.

Field Type Description
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the appointment form is read-only.
visible boolean Specifies whether the layout is visible.
appointmentData AppointmentModel The appointment's data.
onFieldChange (nextFieldValue: { [fieldName: string]: any }) => void An event that is raised when a field value in the appointment form is changed.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Uses a localization message's key to retrieve the message.
locale string | Array<string> Specifies the locale as an IETF BCP 47 language tag or an array of such tags. The locale is used to format date-time values.
firstDayOfWeek number A number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday) that specifies the first day of the week.
formatDate FormatterFn A function that formats dates based on the locale.
radioGroupComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.RadioGroupProps> A component that renders a radio group.
weeklyRecurrenceSelectorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.WeeklyRecurrenceSelectorProps> A component that renders a weekly recurrence selector.
textEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.TextEditorProps> A component that renders a text editor.
dateEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.DateEditorProps> A component that renders a date-time editor.
selectComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.SelectProps> A component that renders an options menu.
labelComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.LabelProps> A component that renders a text label.
children? ReactNode A React node used to render additional components to the Recurrence Layout.


Properties passed to a component that renders a Boolean value editor on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
label? string The editor's text label.
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the editor is read-only.
value? boolean The editor's value.
onValueChange (nextValue: boolean) => void Handles value changes.


Properties passed to a component that renders a command button on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
id saveButton | deleteButton | cancelButton The command button's identifier.
onExecute () => void An event that initiates the command execution.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Uses a localization message's key to retrieve the message.


Properties passed to a component that renders a date-time editor on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the date editor is read-only.
value? string | number | Date The editor's value.
excludeTime? boolean When true, users cannot edit the time.
onValueChange (nextValue: Date) => void Handles value changes.
locale? string | Array<string> Specifies the locale as an IETF BCP 47 language tag or an array of such tags. The locale is used to format date-time values.


Properties passed to a component that renders a text label on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
type? titleLabel | ordinaryLabel The label's type.
text? string The label's text.


Properties passed to a component that renders a radio group on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
appointmentData AppointmentModel The appointment's data.
firstDayOfWeek number A number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday) that specifies the first day of the week.
locale? string | Array<string> Specifies the locale as an IETF BCP 47 language tag or an array of such tags. The locale is used to format date-time values.
formatDate FormatterFn A function that formats dates based on the locale.
onFieldChange (nextFieldValue: { [fieldName: string]: any }) => void An event that is raised when a field value in the appointment form is changed.
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the radio group is read-only.
type? endRepeat | monthlyRadioGroup | yearlyRadioGroup The radio group's type.
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Uses a localization message's key to retrieve the message.
textEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.TextEditorProps> A component that renders a text editor.
dateEditorComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.DateEditorProps> A component that renders a date-time editor.
selectComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.SelectProps> A component that renders an options menu.
labelComponent ComponentType<AppointmentForm.LabelProps> A component that renders a text label.


Properties passed to a component that renders a menu of options on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
value? string | number The selected option.
onValueChange (nextValue: string | number) => void Handles value changes.
availableOptions? Array<SelectOption> Specifies available menu options.
type? outlinedSelect | filledSelect The menu's type.
readOnly boolean Specifies whether the menu is read-only.


Properties passed to a component that renders a resource editor on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
appointmentResources? Array<ValidResourceInstance> The appointment's resource instances.
resource? ValidResource A resource being edited.
onResourceChange? ({ [fieldName: string]: string | number }) => void A function that is called when the resource is edited.
readOnly? boolean Specifies whether the resource editor is read-only.


Properties passed to a component that renders a text editor on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
placeholder string A placeholder displayed inside the text field.
type titleTextEditor | noteTextEditor | ordinaryTextEditor | numberEditor The text editor's type.
readOnly boolean Specifies whether the text editor is read-only.
value string | number The editor's value.
onValueChange (nextValue: string) => void Handles value changes.


Properties passed to a component that renders a weekly recurrence selector on the appointment form.

Field Type Description
rRule string Specifies the recurrence rule.
firstDayOfWeek number A number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday) that specifies the first day of the week.
readOnly boolean Specifies whether the weekly recurrence selector is read-only.
formatDate FormatterFn A function that formats dates based on the locale.
onValueChange (nextFieldValue: { [fieldName: string]: any }) => void Handles value changes.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
detailsLabel? string Details The "Details" label text.
allDayLabel? string All Day The "All Day" editor's label text.
titleLabel? string Title The "Title" editor's label text.
commitCommand? string Save The commit button's text.
moreInformationLabel? string More Information The "More Information" editor’s label text.
repeatLabel? string Repeat The "Repeat" editor’s label text.
notesLabel? string Notes The "Notes" editor’s label text.
never? string Never The "Never" label text.
daily? string Daily The "Daily" label text.
weekly? string Weekly The "Weekly" label text.
monthly? string Monthly The "Monthly" label text.
yearly? string Yearly The "Yearly" label text.
repeatEveryLabel? string Repeat every The "Repeat every" label text.
daysLabel? string day(s) The "day(s)" label text.
endRepeatLabel? string End repeat The "End repeat" label text.
onLabel? string On The "On" label text.
afterLabel? string After The "After" label text.
occurrencesLabel? string occurrence(s) The "Occurrences" label text.
weeksOnLabel? string week(s) on: The "week(s) on:" label text.
monthsLabel? string month(s) The "month(s)" label text.
ofEveryMonthLabel? string of every month The "of every month" label text.
theLabel? string The The "The" label text.
firstLabel? string First The "First" label text.
secondLabel? string Second The "Second" label text.
thirdLabel? string Third The "Third" label text.
fourthLabel? string Fourth The "Fourth" label text.
lastLabel? string Last The "Last" label text.
yearsLabel? string year(s) The "year(s)" label text.
ofLabel? string of The "of" label text.
everyLabel? string Every The "Every" label text.

Plugin Components

Name Properties Description
AppointmentForm.Overlay AppointmentForm.OverlayProps A component that renders the appointment form's overlay.
AppointmentForm.Layout AppointmentForm.LayoutProps A component that renders the appointment form's layout.
AppointmentForm.CommandLayout AppointmentForm.CommandLayoutProps A component that renders a layout for command buttons.
AppointmentForm.BasicLayout AppointmentForm.BasicLayoutProps A component that renders a layout for editors that edit basic appointment data.
AppointmentForm.RecurrenceLayout AppointmentForm.RecurrenceLayoutProps A component that renders a layout for editors that specify the appointment's recurrence.
AppointmentForm.TextEditor AppointmentForm.TextEditorProps A component that renders a text editor.
AppointmentForm.DateEditor AppointmentForm.DateEditorProps A component that renders a date-time editor.
AppointmentForm.Label AppointmentForm.LabelProps A component that renders a text label.
AppointmentForm.BooleanEditor AppointmentForm.BooleanEditorProps A component that renders a Boolean value editor.
AppointmentForm.Select AppointmentForm.SelectProps A component that renders an options menu.
AppointmentForm.RadioGroup AppointmentForm.RadioGroupProps A component that renders a radio group.
AppointmentForm.WeeklyRecurrenceSelector AppointmentForm.WeeklyRecurrenceSelectorProps A component that renders a weekly recurrence selector.

Additional properties are added to a component's root element.