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DxEditingState Plugin Reference

A plugin that manages grid rows’ editing state. It arranges grid rows by different lists depending on a row’s state.


Use the following statement to import the plugin:

import { DxEditingState } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference




Name Type Default Description
createRowChange? (row: any, value: string | number, columnName: string) => any   A function that returns a row change object depending on row editor values. This function is called each time the row editor’s value changes.
columnEditingEnabled? boolean true Specifies whether editing is enabled for all columns.
columnExtensions? Array<DxEditingState.ColumnExtension>   Additional column properties that the plugin can handle.
editingRowIds? Array<number | string>   IDs of the rows being edited.
addedRows? Array<any>   Created but not committed rows.
rowChanges? { [key: string]: any }   Not committed row changes.


Name Type Default Description
update:addedRows? (addedRows: Array<any>) => void   Handles adding or removing a row to/from the addedRows array.
update:editingRowIds? (editingRowIds: Array<number | string>) => void   Handles adding or removing a row to/from the editingRowIds array.
update:rowChanges? (rowChanges: { [key: string]: any }) => void   Handles adding or removing a row changes to/from the rowChanges array.
commitChanges (changes: ChangeSet) => void   Handles row changes committing.



Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.

Field Type Description
columnName string The name of a column to extend.
editingEnabled? boolean Specifies whether editing is enabled for a column.
createRowChange? (row: any, value: any, columnName: string) => any A function that returns a value specifying row changes depending on the columns’ editor values for the current row. This function is called each time the editor’s value changes.


Describes uncommitted changes made to the grid data.

Field Type Description
added? Array<any> An array of rows to be created.
changed? { [key: number | string]: any } An associative array that stores changes made to existing data. Each array item specifies changes made to a row. The item’s key specifies the associated row’s ID.
deleted? Array<number | string> An array of IDs representing rows to be deleted.

Plugin Developer Reference




Name Plugin Type Description
editingRowIds Getter Array<number | string> Rows being edited.
startEditRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Enables the edit mode for the rows the ID specifies.
stopEditRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Disables the edit mode for the rows the ID specifies.
addedRows Getter Array<any> Created but not committed rows.
addRow Action () => void Adds an item to the addedRows array.
changeAddedRow Action ({ rowId: number, change: any }) => void Applies a change to a created but uncommitted row. Note: rowId is a row index within the addedRows array.
cancelAddedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number> }) => void Removes the specified rows from the addedRows array.
commitAddedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number> }) => void Fires the commitChanges event with the corresponding ChangeSet and removes specified rows from the addedRows array.
rowChanges Getter { [key: string]: any } An associative array that stores changes made to existing rows. Each array item specifies changes made to a row. The item’s key specifies the associated row’s ID.
changeRow Action ({ rowId: number | string, change: any }) => void Adds an item representing changes made to an exsiting row to the rowChanges array.
cancelChangedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Removes specified rows’ data from the rowChanges array.
commitChangedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Fires the commitChanges event with the corresponding ChangeSet and removes specified rows from the rowChanges array.
deletedRowIds Getter Array<number | string> Rows prepared for deletion.
deleteRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Adds rows the ID specifies to the deletedRowIds array.
cancelDeletedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Removes the specified rows from the deletedRowIds array.
commitDeletedRows Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string> }) => void Fires the commitChanges event with the corresponding ChangeSet and removes specified rows from the deletedRowIds array.
createRowChange Getter (row: any, value: any, columnName: string) => any A function that returns a value that specifies row changes depending on the column’s editor values for the current row. This function is called each time the editor’s value changes.
isColumnEditingEnabled Getter (columnName: string) => boolean A function that returns a value that specifies if editing by a column is enabled.