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DxGroupingPanel Plugin Reference

A plugin that renders the Grouping Panel in the Grid’s header. This panel displays grouped columns and allows a user to modify grouping options.

Optionally, the plugin allows an end-user to change grouped columns’ sorting order and render sorting indicators.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxGroupingPanel } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { DxGroupingPanel } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
showSortingControls? boolean false Specifies whether to render controls that toggle the column’s sorting state. Requires the DxSortingState dependency.
showGroupingControls? boolean false Specifies whether column headers display a button that cancels grouping by that column.
containerComponent DxGroupingPanel.DxContainer   A component that renders a group panel container.
itemComponent DxGroupingPanel.DxItem   A component that renders a group panel item.
emptyMessageComponent DxGroupingPanel.DxEmptyMessage   A component that renders an empty group panel message.
messages? DxGroupingPanel.LocalizationMessages   An object that specifies the localization messages.



Describes the grouping panel item properties.

Field Type Description
column Column A column associated with the item.

Component Types



Field Description
default The default Vue slot



Field Type Description
item GroupingPanelItem The Grouping Panel item.
showGroupingControls boolean Specifies whether to display a button that cancels grouping by column.
showSortingControls boolean Specifies whether to render controls that toggle the column’s sorting state.
groupingEnabled boolean Specifies whether grouping by a column is enabled.
sortingEnabled boolean Specifies whether sorting by a column is enabled.
sortingDirection? ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ Specifies the sorting direction.


Field Type Description
group () => void An event that initiates grouping by column.
sort (parameters: { direction?: ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ | null }) => void An event that initiates changing the column sorting direction. Cancels sorting by the current column if direction is set to null.



Field Type Description
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Returns the text displayed in the group panel if grid data is not grouped.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
groupByColumn? string ’’ The text displayed in the group panel if the grid is not grouped.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxGroupingPanel.components.DxContainer DxGroupingPanel.DxContainer A component that renders a group panel container.
DxGroupingPanel.components.DxItem DxGroupingPanel.DxItem A component that renders a group panel item.
DxGroupingPanel.components.DxEmptyMessage DxGroupingPanel.DxEmptyMessage A component that renders an empty group panel message.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
columns Getter Array<Column> Grid columns.
changeColumnGrouping Action ({ columnName: string, groupIndex?: number }) => void Groups data by a specified column or cancels grouping. If groupIndex is omitted, the group is added to the last position.
sorting Getter Array<Sorting> The current sorting state.
changeColumnSorting Action ({ columnName: string, direction?: ‘asc’ | ‘desc’ | null, keepOther?: boolean | Array<String>, sortIndex: number }) => void Changes the column sorting direction. keepOther accepts true (keeps existing sorting), a column name array (keeps sorting by specified columns) and false (resets sorting). Set direction to null to cancel sorting by the current column.
isColumnSortingEnabled Getter (columnName: string) => boolean A function that returns a Boolean value that defines if sorting by a column is enabled.
isColumnGroupingEnabled Getter (columnName: string) => boolean A function that returns a Boolean value that defines if grouping by a column is enabled.
draggingEnabled Getter boolean Specifies whether drag-and-drop is enabled.
toolbarContent Template object? A template that renders the toolbar content.

