This project is deprecated. Use DevExtreme Vue instead.

DxPagingPanel Plugin Reference

A plugin that renders the paging panel used for navigation through data pages.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxPagingPanel } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { DxPagingPanel } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
containerComponent DxPagingPanel.DxContainer   A component that renders the paging panel.
pageSizes? Array<number> [] The page sizes that a user can select.
messages? DxPagingPanel.LocalizationMessages   An object that specifies the localization messages.

Component Types



Field Type Description
totalPages number Specifies the total page count.
currentPage number Specifies the current page.
totalCount number Specifies the total row count.
pageSize number Specifies the page size.
pageSizes Array<number> Specifies the page sizes that a user can select.
getMessage (messageKey: string, parameters?: { from: number, to: number, count: number }) => string Returns the paging panel’s text.


Field Type Description
currentPageChange (page: number) => void Handles the current page changes.
pageSizeChange (size: number) => void Handles the page size changes.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
showAll? string ‘All’ Specifies the page size selector’s ‘All’ item text.
info? (parameters: { from: number, to: number, count: number }) => string | string {from}-{to} of {count} Specifies the ‘Row count’ text template.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxPagingPanel.components.DxContainer DxPagingPanel.DxContainer A component that renders the paging panel.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
currentPage Getter number The current page.
pageSize Getter number The page size.
totalCount Getter number The total row count.
setCurrentPage Action (page: number) => void Changes the current page.
setPageSize Action (size: number) => void Changes the page size.
footer Template object? A template that renders the grid footer.

