This project is deprecated. Use DevExtreme Vue instead.

DxTableColumnVisibility Plugin Reference

A plugin that manages Grid columns’ visibility.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxTableColumnVisibility } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { DxTableColumnVisibility } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
hiddenColumnNames Array<string>   Hidden column names.
columnTogglingEnabled? boolean true Specifies whether an end-user can change column visibility.
columnExtensions? Array<DxTableColumnVisibility.ColumnExtension>   Additional column properties that the plugin can handle.
emptyMessageComponent DxTableColumnVisibility.DxEmptyMessage   A component that renders a message that is displayed when all columns are hidden.
messages? DxTableColumnVisibility.LocalizationMessages   An object that specifies localization messages.



Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.

Field Type Description
columnName string The name of a column to extend.
togglingEnabled boolean Specifies whether an end-user can change column visibility.

Component Types



Field Type Description
getMessage (messageKey: string) => string Returns the text displayed when all columns are hidden.

Localization Messages

Field Type Default Description
noColumns? string ‘Nothing to show’ Specifies the text that is displayed when the plugin does not contain visible columns.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxTableColumnVisibility.components.DxEmptyMessage DxTableColumnVisibility.DxEmptyMessage A component that renders a message displayed when all columns are hidden.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns.
table Template object? A template that renders a table.


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Visible table columns.
hiddenColumnNames Getter Array<string> Hidden table column names.
isColumnTogglingEnabled Getter (columnName: string) => boolean A function used to define if an end-user can change column visibility.
toggleColumnVisibility Action ({ columnName: string }) => void Toggles a column’s visibility.