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DxTableSelection Plugin Reference

A plugin that visualizes table rows’ selection state by rendering selection checkboxes and highlighting the selected rows.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { DxTableSelection } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid-bootstrap4';

If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:

import { DxTableSelection } from '@devexpress/dx-vue-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
highlightRow? boolean false Specifies whether to highlight the selected rows. Note that Table plugin’s rowComponent is ignored in this case.
selectByRowClick? boolean false Specifies whether a user can select/deselect a row by clicking it. Note that Table plugin’s rowComponent is ignored in this case.
showSelectAll? boolean true Specifies whether to render the Select All checkbox in the header row.
showSelectionColumn? boolean true Specifies whether to render the selection column that displays selection checkboxes.
cellComponent DxTableSelection.DxCell   A component that renders a selection cell (a cell containing a selection checkbox).
headerCellComponent DxTableSelection.DxHeaderCell   A component that renders a cell containing the Select All checkbox.
selectionColumnWidth number   The selection column’s width.

Component Types



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow Specifies a table row.
tableColumn TableColumn Specifies a table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
disabled boolean Indicates if there are no rows that can be selected.
allSelected boolean Indicates whether all the rows available for selection are selected.
someSelected boolean Indicates whether at least one but not all rows available for selection are selected.


Field Type Description
toggle (select?: boolean) => void Toggles the Select All checkbox state.



Field Type Description
tableRow TableRow Specifies a table row.
tableColumn TableColumn Specifies a table column.
colSpan? number The count of columns that the root cell element spans.
rowSpan? number The count of rows that the root cell element spans.
row any A row.
selected boolean Indicates whether a row is selected.
onToggle () => void An event that initiates row selecting or deselecting.


Field Type Description
toggle () => void An event that initiates row selecting or deselecting.

Plugin Components

Name Type Description
DxTableSelection.components.DxCell DxTableSelection.DxCell A component that renders a selection cell (a cell containing a selection checkbox).
DxTableSelection.components.DxHeaderCell DxTableSelection.DxHeaderCell A component that renders a cell containing the Select All checkbox.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns.
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Body rows to be rendered.
selection Getter Array<number | string> The selected row’s IDs.
toggleSelection Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string>, state?: boolean }) => void A function that selects/deselects rows. The state argument specifies whether the rows should be selected (true), deselected (false), or their selection status should be set to the opposite value (undefined). In the last case, the function selects unselected rows and deselects selected ones. To select/deselect a single row, pass an array with a single item to the rowIds argument.
toggleSelectAll Action (state?: boolean) => void A function that selects/deselects all rows. The state argument specifies whether the rows should be selected (true), deselected (false), or their selection status should be set to the opposite value (undefined). In the last case, the function selects all rows or deselects all selected ones.
selectAllAvailable Getter boolean Indicates whether there are rows that are available for selection.
allSelected Getter boolean Indicates whether all the rows available for selection are selected.
someSelected Getter boolean Indicates whether some rows are selected. False if all/none rows are selected.
tableCell Template object? A template that renders a table cell.
tableRow Template object A template that renders a table row.


Name Plugin Type Description
tableColumns Getter Array<TableColumn> Table columns including the selection column.
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Body rows to be rendered including the selected rows.