The ArgumentAxis plugin visualizes the argument axis.
Use the following statement to import a plugin:
import { ArgumentAxis } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui';
// import { ArgumentAxis } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart-bootstrap4';
You can import the themeless plugin to use custom components:
import { ArgumentAxis } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tickSize? | number | 5 | The tick size. |
position? | 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom' | The axis position. |
indentFromAxis? | number | 10 | The indent from the axis. |
tickFormat? | (scale: ScaleObject) => (tick: string) => string | A function that returns a tick formatter function. | |
showTicks? | boolean | true | Specifies whether to render ticks. |
showGrid? | boolean | false | Specifies whether to render the grid. |
showLine? | boolean | true | Specifies whether to render the axis's line. |
showLabels? | boolean | true | Specifies whether to render the axis's labels. |
rootComponent | ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.RootProps> | A component that renders the axis's root layout. | |
tickComponent | ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LineProps> | A component that renders a tick. | |
labelComponent | ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LabelProps> | A component that renders the axis's label. | |
lineComponent | ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LineProps> | A component that renders the axis's line. | |
gridComponent | ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LineProps> | A component that renders the grid. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders the axis's root layout.
Field | Type | Description |
x | number | The x coordinate of the top left corner of the axis's rendering area. |
y | number | The y coordinate of the top left corner of the series' rendering area. |
children | ReactNode | A React node used to render the axis. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders the axis's line, ticks and grid.
Field | Type | Description |
x1 | number | The x coordinate of the line's start. |
x2 | number | The x coordinate of the line's end. |
y1 | number | The y coordinate of the line's start. |
y2 | number | The y coordinate of the line's end. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders the axis's label.
Field | Type | Description |
text | string | number | The label text. |
x | number | The x coordinate of the label's top left corner. |
y | number | The y coordinate of the label's top left corner. |
dy | string | The label's offset from the baseline in CSS units. |
textAnchor | 'start' | 'middle' | 'end' | The label's text alignment. |
Name | Properties | Description |
ArgumentAxis.Root | ArgumentAxis.RootProps | A component that renders the axis's root layout. |
ArgumentAxis.Tick | ArgumentAxis.LineProps | A component that renders the tick. |
ArgumentAxis.Label | ArgumentAxis.LabelProps | A component that renders the axis's label. |
ArgumentAxis.Line | ArgumentAxis.LineProps | A component that renders the axis's line. |
ArgumentAxis.Grid | ArgumentAxis.LineProps | A component that renders the grid. |