ArgumentAxis Plugin Reference

The ArgumentAxis plugin visualizes the argument axis.


Use the following statement to import a plugin:

import { ArgumentAxis } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui';
// import { ArgumentAxis } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart-bootstrap4';

You can import the themeless plugin to use custom components:

import { ArgumentAxis } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart';

User Reference


Name Type Default Description
tickSize? number 5 The tick size.
position? 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right' 'bottom' The axis position.
indentFromAxis? number 10 The indent from the axis.
tickFormat? (scale: ScaleObject) => (tick: string) => string A function that returns a tick formatter function.
showTicks? boolean true Specifies whether to render ticks.
showGrid? boolean false Specifies whether to render the grid.
showLine? boolean true Specifies whether to render the axis's line.
showLabels? boolean true Specifies whether to render the axis's labels.
rootComponent ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.RootProps> A component that renders the axis's root layout.
tickComponent ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LineProps> A component that renders a tick.
labelComponent ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LabelProps> A component that renders the axis's label.
lineComponent ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LineProps> A component that renders the axis's line.
gridComponent ComponentType<ArgumentAxis.LineProps> A component that renders the grid.



Describes properties passed to a component that renders the axis's root layout.

Field Type Description
x number The x coordinate of the top left corner of the axis's rendering area.
y number The y coordinate of the top left corner of the series' rendering area.
children ReactNode A React node used to render the axis.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders the axis's line, ticks and grid.

Field Type Description
x1 number The x coordinate of the line's start.
x2 number The x coordinate of the line's end.
y1 number The y coordinate of the line's start.
y2 number The y coordinate of the line's end.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders the axis's label.

Field Type Description
text string | number The label text.
x number The x coordinate of the label's top left corner.
y number The y coordinate of the label's top left corner.
dy string The label's offset from the baseline in CSS units.
textAnchor 'start' | 'middle' | 'end' The label's text alignment.

Plugin Components

Name Properties Description
ArgumentAxis.Root ArgumentAxis.RootProps A component that renders the axis's root layout.
ArgumentAxis.Tick ArgumentAxis.LineProps A component that renders the tick.
ArgumentAxis.Label ArgumentAxis.LabelProps A component that renders the axis's label.
ArgumentAxis.Line ArgumentAxis.LineProps A component that renders the axis's line.
ArgumentAxis.Grid ArgumentAxis.LineProps A component that renders the grid.