The ArgumentScale
plugin allows you to customize the argument scale.
Use the following statement to import the plugin:
import { ArgumentScale } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
factory? | () => ScaleObject | A function that constructs a custom scale. | |
modifyDomain? | (domain: Array<any>) => Array<any> | A function that modifies the scale domain. |
Field | Type | Description |
domain | (domain?: Array<any>) => ScaleObject | Array<any> | A function that sets (if the domain parameter is an array) or gets (if the domain parameter is undefined) the current domain. |
range | () => (range?: Array<any>) => ScaleObject | Array<any> | A function that sets (if the domain parameter is an array) or gets (if the domain parameter is undefined) the scale's current range. |
tickFormat? | (count: number, specifier: string) => (tick: any) => string | A function that returns a tick formatter function. |
ticks? | (count: number) => Array<any> | A function that returns an array of ticks. |
paddingInner? | (padding: number) => ScaleObject | A function that sets a scale's inner padding and returns the current scale. |
paddingOuter? | (padding: number) => ScaleObject | A function that sets a scale's outer padding and returns the current scale. |
bandWidth? | () => number | A function that returns each band's width. |