BarSeries Plugin Reference

The BarSeries plugin visualizes the bar series.


Use the following statement to import the plugin:

import { BarSeries } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart-material-ui';
// import { BarSeries } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart-bootstrap4';

You can import the themeless plugin to use custom components:

import { BarSeries } from '@devexpress/dx-react-chart';

User Reference


Name Type Default Description
name string The series name.
valueField string The name of a data field that provides series point values.
argumentField string The name of a data field that provides series point argument values.
scaleName? string An associated scale.
barWidth? number The bar width in relative units.
color? string The series color.
pointComponent ComponentType<BarSeries.PointProps> A component that renders a bar.



Describes properties passed to a component that renders a bar.

Field Type Description
arg number The bar's argument; corresponds to the bar's center.
val number The bar's value; corresponds to the bar's top.
startVal number The bar's start value; corresponds to the bar's bottom.
barWidth number The bar's width in relative units.
maxBarWidth number The maximum width that the bar can occupy, measured in pixels.
value number The bar's value.
color string A series color.
index number Point index.
rotated boolean true if the chart is rotated.

Plugin Components

Name Properties Description
BarSeries.Point BarSeries.PointProps A component that renders a bar.