DevExtreme Reactive component libraries are in maintenance support mode.
A plugin that renders Grid data as a table. This plugin enables you to customize table rows and columns, and contains the Table Row and Table Cell components that can be extended by other plugins
Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:
import { Table } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui';
// import { Table } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap4';
// import { Table } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap3';
If you want to use custom components, you can import the themeless plugin:
import { Table } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
columnExtensions? | Array<Table.ColumnExtension> | Additional column properties that the plugin can handle. | |
tableComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table. | |
headComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table head. | |
bodyComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table body. | |
footerComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table footer. | |
containerComponent | ComponentType<object> | A component that renders a table's container. | |
cellComponent | ComponentType<Table.DataCellProps> | A component that renders a table cell. | |
rowComponent | ComponentType<Table.DataRowProps> | A component that renders a table row. | |
noDataCellComponent | ComponentType<Table.NoDataCellProps> | A component that renders a table cell when the table is empty. | |
noDataRowComponent | ComponentType<Table.RowProps> | A component that renders a table row when the table is empty. | |
stubRowComponent | ComponentType<Table.RowProps> | A component that renders a stub table row if the row type is not recognized. | |
stubCellComponent | ComponentType<Table.CellProps> | A component that renders a stub table cell if the cell value is not provided. | |
stubHeaderCellComponent | ComponentType<Table.CellProps> | A component that renders a stub header cell if the cell value is not provided. | |
messages? | Table.LocalizationMessages | An object that specifies the localization messages. |
Describes additional column properties that the plugin can handle.
Field | Type | Description |
columnName | string | The name of the column to extend. |
width? | number | string | The table column width in pixels or CSS-accepted units (auto , px , % , em , rem , vm , vh , vmin , vmax ). |
align? | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | The table column alignment. |
wordWrapEnabled? | boolean | Specifies whether word wrap is enabled in a column's cells. |
Describes properties of a table row that the Table plugin renders.
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | A unique table row identifier. |
type | symbol | Specifies the table row type. The specified value defines which cell template is used to render the row. |
rowId? | number | string | Specifies the associated row's ID. |
row? | any | Specifies the associated row. |
height? | number | Specifies the table row height. |
Describes properties of a table column that the Table plugin renders.
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | A unique table column identifier. |
type | symbol | Specifies the table column type. The specified value defines which cell template is used to render the column. |
column? | Column | Specifies the associated user column. |
width? | number | Specifies the table column width. |
align? | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | Specifies the table's column alignment. |
fixed? | 'left' | 'right' | Specifies the fixed table's column alignment. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders a generic table cell.
Field | Type | Description |
tableRow | TableRow | Specifies a table row. |
tableColumn | TableColumn | Specifies a table column. |
colSpan? | number | The count of columns that the root cell element spans. |
rowSpan? | number | The count of rows that the root cell element spans. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders a table cell.
Extends Table.CellProps
Field | Type | Description |
value | any | Specifies a value to be rendered within the cell. |
row | any | Specifies the cell's row. |
column | Column | Specifies the cell's column. |
children? | ReactNode | A React node used to render the cell content. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders a table cell when the table is empty.
Extends Table.CellProps
Field | Type | Description |
getMessage | (messageKey: string) => string | Returns the text displayed in a cell when a table is empty. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders a generic table row.
Field | Type | Description |
tableRow | TableRow | A table row. |
children | ReactNode | A React node used to render a table row. |
Describes properties passed to a component that renders a table row.
Extends Table.RowProps
Field | Type | Description |
row | any | A row. |
Field | Type | Default | Description |
noData? | string | 'No data' | Specifies text shown when the Grid does not contain data. |
Name | Properties | Description |
Table.Table | object | A component that renders a table. |
Table.TableHead | object | A component that renders a table head. |
Table.TableBody | object | A component that renders a table body. |
Table.Container | object | A component that renders a table's container. |
Table.Cell | Table.DataCellProps | A component that renders a table data cell. |
Table.Row | Table.DataRowProps | A component that renders a table data row. |
Table.NoDataCell | Table.NoDataCellProps | A component that renders a table cell when the table is empty. |
Table.NoDataRow | Table.RowProps | A component that renders a table row when the table is empty. |
Table.StubRow | Table.RowProps | A component that renders a stub table row. |
Table.StubCell | Table.CellProps | A component that renders a stub table cell. |
Table.StubHeaderCell | Table.CellProps | A component that renders a stub table header cell. |
Additional properties are added to the component's root element.
Field | Type | Description |
COLUMN_TYPE | symbol | The data column type's indentifier. |
ROW_TYPE | symbol | The data row type's indentifier. |
NODATA_ROW_TYPE | symbol | The nodata row type's indentifier. |
Name | Plugin | Type | Description |
rows | Getter | Array<any> | Rows to be rendered by the table view. |
columns | Getter | Array<Column> | Columns to be rendered by the table view. |
getRowId | Getter | (row: any) => number | string | A function used to get a unique row identifier. |
getCellValue | Getter | (row: any, columnName: string) => any | A function used to get a cell’s value. |
valueFormatter | Template | DataTypeProvider.ValueFormatterProps | A template that renders the formatted value. |
Name | Plugin | Type | Description |
tableHeaderRows | Getter | Array<TableRow> | Header rows to be rendered. |
tableBodyRows | Getter | Array<TableRow> | Body rows to be rendered. |
tableFooterRows | Getter | Array<TableRow> | Footer rows to be rendered. |
tableColumns | Getter | Array<TableColumn> | Columns to be rendered. |
table | Template | object? | A template that renders the table. |
tableCell | Template | Table.CellProps | A template that renders a table cell. |
tableRow | Template | Table.RowProps | A template that renders a table row. |