TableTreeColumn Plugin Reference

A plugin that renders a table column with a toggle button and sorting indicators.


Use the following statement to import a plugin with embedded theme components:

import { TableTreeColumn } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-material-ui';
// import { TableTreeColumn } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap4';
// import { TableTreeColumn } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid-bootstrap3';

You can import the themeless plugin to use custom components:

import { TableTreeColumn } from '@devexpress/dx-react-grid';

User Reference



Name Type Default Description
for string The name of a column that should be represented as a tree.
cellComponent ComponentType<TableTreeColumn.CellProps> A component that renders a cell within a data row.
contentComponent ComponentType<TableTreeColumn.ContentProps> A component that renders a cell's content.
indentComponent ComponentType<TableTreeColumn.IndentProps> A component that renders an indent used to identify a row level.
expandButtonComponent ComponentType<TableTreeColumn.ExpandButtonProps> A component that renders a button that controls the row's expanded state.
checkboxComponent ComponentType<TableTreeColumn.CheckboxProps> A component that renders a checkbox used to control selection.
showSelectionControls? boolean false Specifies whether to render selection controls. Requires the SelectionState plugin.
showSelectAll? boolean false Specifies whether to render Select All checkbox. Requires the IntegratedSelection plugin.



Describes properties passed to a component that renders a cell within a data row.

Extends Table.CellProps

Field Type Description
value any Specifies a value to be rendered within the cell.
row any Specifies the cell's row.
column Column Specifies the cell's column.
children? ReactNode A React node to be rendered within the cell.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders a cell's content.

Field Type Description
children? ReactNode A React node to be rendered within the cell's content.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders an indent used to identify a row level.

Field Type Description
level number Specifies the row level.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders a button used to controls a row's expanded state.

Field Type Description
visible boolean Specifies whether to show the button.
expanded boolean Specifies whether a row is expanded.
onToggle () => void An event that initiates row expanding or collapsing.


Describes properties passed to a component that renders a checkbox used to control selection.

Field Type Description
disabled boolean Specifies whether a row is unavailable for selection.
checked boolean Specifies whether a row is selected.
indeterminate boolean Specifies whether a row's children are partially selected.
onChange () => void An event that initiates row selecting or deselecting.

Plugin Components

Name Properties Description
TableTreeColumn.Cell TableTreeColumn.CellProps A component that renders a cell within a data row.
TableTreeColumn.Content TableTreeColumn.ContentProps A component that renders a cell's content.
TableTreeColumn.Indent TableTreeColumn.IndentProps A component that renders an indent used to identify a row level.
TableTreeColumn.ExpandButton TableTreeColumn.ExpandButtonProps A component that renders a button used to controls a row's expanded state.
TableTreeColumn.Checkbox TableTreeColumn.CheckboxProps A component that renders a checkbox used to control selection.

Additional properties are added to the component's root element.

Plugin Developer Reference


Name Plugin Type Description
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Table body rows.
getRowLevelKey Getter (row: any) => string? A function used to get a group row level key.
getCellValue Getter (row: any, columnName: string) => any A function used to get a given row's column value.
getCollapsedRows Getter (row: any) => Array<any>? A function used to get collapsed child rows of a given row.
isTreeRowLeaf Getter (row: any) => boolean A function used to identify a leaf node in tree data structure.
getTreeRowLevel Getter (row: any) => number A function used to identify a node level in tree data structure.
expandedRowIds Getter Array<number | string> Currently expanded rows.
toggleRowExpanded Action ({ rowId }) => void Expands/collapses the specified row.
selection Getter Array<number | string> The selected row's IDs.
toggleSelection Action ({ rowIds: Array<number | string>, state?: boolean }) => void A function that selects/deselects rows. The state argument specifies whether the rows should be selected (true), deselected (false), or their selection status should be set to the opposite value (undefined). In the last case, the function selects unselected rows and deselects selected ones. To select/deselect a single row, pass an array with a single item to the rowIds argument.
toggleSelectAll Action (state?: boolean) => void A function that selects/deselects all rows. The state argument specifies whether the rows should be selected (true), deselected (false), or their selection status should be set to the opposite value (undefined). In the last case, the function selects all rows or deselects all selected ones.
selectAllAvailable Getter boolean Indicates whether there are rows that are available for selection.
allSelected Getter boolean Indicates whether all the rows available for selection are selected.
someSelected Getter boolean Indicates whether some rows are selected. False if all/none rows are selected.
tableCell Template Table.CellProps A template that renders a table cell.
tableHeaderCellBefore Template object? A template used to prepend additional components to a header cell.
valueFormatter Template DataTypeProvider.ValueFormatterProps A template that renders the formatted value.


Name Plugin Type Description
tableBodyRows Getter Array<TableRow> Table body rows with modified tree rows.
tableTreeColumnName Getter string The name of a column displayed as a tree.