EditingState Plugin Reference

A plugin that manages the scheduler appointment editing state.


Use the following statement to import the plugin:

import { EditingState } from '@devexpress/dx-react-scheduler';

User Reference




Name Type Default Description
editingAppointment? Partial<AppointmentModel> The appointment being edited.
defaultEditingAppointment? Partial<AppointmentModel> The initial value of the editingAppointment property in uncontrolled mode.
onEditingAppointmentChange? (editingAppointment: Partial<AppointmentModel>) => void Handles changes to the editingAppointment property value.
addedAppointment? object A created but not committed appointment.
defaultAddedAppointment? object The initial value of the addedAppointment property in uncontrolled mode.
onAddedAppointmentChange? (addedAppointment: object) => void Handles changes to the addedAppointment property value.
appointmentChanges? { [key: string]: object } Uncommitted appointment changes.
defaultAppointmentChanges? { [key: string]: object } The initial value of the appointmentChanges property in uncontrolled mode.
onAppointmentChangesChange? (appointmentChanges: { [key: string]: any }) => void Handles changes to the appointmentChanges property value.
onCommitChanges (changes: ChangeSet) => void Handles commiting appointment changes.
preCommitChanges? (changes: object, appointmentData: Partial<AppointmentModel>, type: all | current | currentAndFollowing) => ChangeSet Allows you to process changes that are not committed yet.



Describes uncommitted changes made to the scheduler data.

Field Type Description
added? { [key: string]: any } An appointment to be created.
changed? { [key: string]: any } Changes made to an appointment. The item's key specifies the associated appointment's ID.
deleted? number | string The identifier of an appointment to be deleted.